The Carbon Zero Scheme

Contact Us - 01304 617401

Carbon Zero allows for positive business activities with no detrimental effect on the environment

Carbon offsetting is a way to reduce the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere by balancing or cancelling out the amount of these gases through participation in environmental projects.

The Carbon Zero Scheme is an industry-leading programme in which the total footprint of a Toshiba device from parts procurement, manufacture and transportation is offset. Providing organisations with a completely carbon neutral device upon delivery.

Created in 2009, Toshiba’s Carbon Zero Scheme has recently hit a major milestone by offsetting 100,000 tonnes of CO2e*. Which has, as a result, helped to reduce global CO2e emissions while also helping to improve the lives of those in some of the world’s poorest regions.

If you are interested in learning more about making your business more environmentally friendly please get in touch on 01304617401 or

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